Depending on what state you live in, an engineer is expected to have 15 or more professional development hours (PDH). This ensures your working knowledge stays up to current standards, and it can help you remember essential knowledge that you may have forgotten.
Best NASCLA Exam Prep Courses
Contractors know this better than most: preparation and attention to detail are extremely important. And if you’re trying to become accredited with the National Association of Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA), you’ll need both to pass your exam.
Free CPA Study Material [Downloads, PDFs, Sample Questions & Answers]
We’re here to make your life easier when it comes to the entire CPA exam process. Whether you need help with locating free CPA study material, want to locate the best CPA online courses, or even just have questions about the exam content & sections, we can help.
Best PHR Exam Prep Courses
While most people know HR as a department that focuses on the needs of the organization as a whole, there are also members who specialize in the needs of the HR department within a company specifically.
Gleim CMA Review
Gleim uses their patented SmartAdapt technology to make sure you’re always working on your weaknesses. This is done by analyzing your study responses to show what areas you’re strong in and what you still need help with.
Best Actuarial Exam Prep Courses
It’s an excellent time to look for work as an actuary. Companies are seeking out individuals that can help them enhance the overall success level of high level business decisions.
AnalystPrep CFA®/FRM Review
One of AnalystPrep’s strongest company principles is a commitment to keeping their prices lower than the market average. That’s because they believe that study guides for financial certifications should be accessible for every qualified candidate.
Surgent vs Wiley CPA Review Course Comparison
There are tons of CPA prep courses out there, but we’re going to focus on two of the most popular options: Wiley CPAexcel and Surgent CPA Review. While both of these options have helped coach students into becoming CPAs, they have several differences worth noting.
Best Series 57 Study Guides
The best Series 57 study guides will dramatically improve your test score. Each of these companies prepares you in an effective and efficient way.
Best Series 6 Study Guides
The FINRA Series 6 exam is designed to be incredibly difficult, but don’t lose hope! There are a lot of professional study guides and courses that can help you pass the exam with only a little time and patience.