Picking out the best CFA® study materials and courses to help you pass the chartered financial analyst exam isn’t as easy as it seems. There are many different test prep companies that all claim they’re the best at helping you prepare for the exam, but how can you know for sure which is the best
ACCA vs. CIMA – What’s the Difference? Which is Better?
When comparing ACCA vs CIMA, both are great professional organizations to join, but which one will benefit your career more in the long run? It comes down to what you want to do with your career. The ACCA is an organization for chartered accountants whereas the CIMA is an organization for management accountants. Both CAs
CA vs CS | Which is Better for Your Career, Salary, and Wallet?
Both the Chartered Accountant (CA) and Company Secretary (CS) certifications are designations for international accounting professionals. CAs tend to specialize in non-US GAAP and perform high-level accounting and auditing functions in companies and CA firms while CSs specialize in corporate law and perform corporate compliance activities for large companies. Let’s talk about the differences between
CFA® vs FRM | Which is Better for Your Career, Salary, and Wallet?
Both the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) and Financial Risk Manager (FRM) credentials designate professionals who are knowledgeable in finance and capable of analyzing investments. Although both certifications are financially based, they are very different in nature and allow their holders to perform different tasks and specialize in different activities. Let’s take a look at CFA®
Prometric CPA – How to Schedule and Reschedule Your CPA Exam Date
Scheduling your CPA exam with Prometric CPA testing centers is kind of confusing the first time you do it. Like everything with the CPA exam application process, there’s a right way to schedule your exam date and there’s a wrong way. Unfortunately, if you do this step wrong, you will probably end up paying a
How is the CPA Exam Scored and Graded?
According to the AICPA, the CPA exam is scored on a curved scale of 0 – 99. Everyone knows that you need a score of 75 or more to pass and become a Certified Public Accountant, but what does that mean and how do you score that? No one really understands their CPA exam score
What is the CPA Exam Passing Rate?
Historically, the average CPA exam passing rates for each section have been around 50 percent. According to the AICPA, at least half of the CPA candidates who take the Certified Public Accountant exam each quarter fail their exam part. This isn’t an encouraging statistic by any means if you are looking to take the exam, but
664,532: The Total Number of Active CPA Licenses in the USA
There are well over half-a-million licensed Certified Public Accountants in the US according to a recent study performed by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. This is roughly the population of El Paso, TX! This data was assembled from NASBA’s interstate database that holds records from all 55 state boards and licensing authorities
CPA Exam Costs Explained (Plus 3 Hidden Fees)
Chances are if you’ve looked into pursuing CPA exam application and becoming a Certified Public Accountant, you’ve found out that it’s not free. There are several different CPA exam costs involved in sitting for the exam and getting your license that many people don’t tell you about. Getting your CPA certification is a big investment
Best Accounting Certifications: CPA, CFA®, CMA, EA, CIA
There are a ton of different accounting certifications that financial professionals can use to enhance their careers, achieve promotions, and get pay raises. Each of these accounting designations is slightly different and have a different career focus. Therefore, depending on what you want your career to look like, some of these might be the best