During my CPA journey, I read every single CPA study guide that I could get my hands on and none of them actually told me how to study for the CPA exam. To my surprise, even the top CPA review courses don’t actually tell you how to study. Some of them include tips or a simple guide through the
6 Best CPA Exam Study Tips and Exam Prep Strategies
There are a ton of different CPA exam study tips, tactics, strategies, and techniques, but I have to be honest: none of them are better than mine. I developed these tips while studying for my first accountancy exam section. As I was about halfway through the process, I realized that I was spending way too
Which CPA Exam Section is the Hardest?
According to the AICPA’s published pass rates, the hardest part of the Uniform CPA exam is FAR (Financial Accounting and Reporting). The 2016 cumulative pass rates show that candidates consistently performed worst on FAR than the AUD, BEC, and REG with pass rates of 45.42%, 45.82%, 55.54%, and 48.41%, for all four sections respectively. However,
Best CPA Exam Audio Courses and Lectures
There are a few different CPA review courses that offer audio lectures and audio CPA study materials. This format is a great option for CPA candidates who are on the go a lot and don’t have tons of time to sit in front of their computer or a book. Hence, the best CPA learning materials
What is the Best Order to Take the CPA Exam? AUD, FAR, BEC, REG | Why!?
There are several different theories on what CPA exam order is the best to take. Unfortunately, most of them are wrong. How do I know this? Because most of them disagree with my own theory about the best order! Obviously, this is a joke. But seriously; my CPA exam section order makes way more sense than
Best CPA Exam Review Self-Study Books of 2025
There are many different CPA exam review books on the market today. Some are better than others and some are just different. Therefore, how are you supposed to know which ones are right for you? First, you need to look at your learning style to understand what type of CPA study book you should be
Which Section of the CPA Exam Should You Take First?
One of the most popular questions we hear from CPA candidates is, “which CPA exam section should I take first?” That’s a great question. If you don’t already know what the four parts of the CPA exam are, you should read my post about the sections of the CPA exam; it will give you more information
CPA Exam Schedule [ 2025 Dates, Testing Windows, & Blackout Months]
The CPA exam schedule is pretty confusing because there are so many different testing windows, exam dates, blackout months, and other oddities. This means that the scheduling process can be difficult to figure out for first-time candidates. But it doesn’t have to be. Here is some “must-know” info about the CPA exam scheduling, with tips
What Are the Requirements to Take the CPA Exam?
CPA exam requirements are set by individual state boards and thus vary by state jurisdiction. Although every state board of accountancy has slightly different requirements to sit for the CPA examination, most states have the same core set of qualifications that candidates must meet in order to be eligible. Let’s take a look at what
Why Become a CPA? | Top 4 Reasons and Major Benefits
Why become a CPA? Should you get a CPA? I’ve heard these questions time and time again. Taking the CPA exam was one of the most nerve-wracking and crazy experiences of my life. It was the most challenging thing I had ever done up to that point in my life. That being said, it was